A photo of several people at CoZi 2019. Vendors are talking to visitors and smiling.

Three team members behind Las Vegas Radical Mental Health.

Feral Publication talking to an attendee at their table.

A table of vendors making new friends with new creators at the festival!

A vendor concentrates on a project while a colleague looks on.

Behind the scenes with the Co-Zi Organizers Nicole Espinosa and Jean Munson by the button table. Vincent Pizarro made custom buttons for folks drawing on pre-cut circles.

Zinester, Ian at his table talking to two attendees.

A zinester talks at their table with Co-Zi co-founder, Jean Munson.

Zine trade table for new zine readers and makers in our community

Co-Zi staff and visitors take a break to check their phones.

Co-Zi volunteer, Coy Munson, makes notes while at the official Co-Zi table.

A zinester speaks with a visitor to their table.

Vince sits at the button making station. People made buttons of significant others or made funny ones! We thank Vince for assisting our zine patrons!

Visitors at Co-Zi 2019 examine the contents of a table.

Visitors talk with a zinester at their table.

The Co-Zi 2019 space. A colorful room filled with zinester tables and visitors.

The Co-Zi 2019 event space. A colorful room filled with creators’ tables and visitors.

Dr. Erika Abad, Co-Zi visitor, gleefully shows off her purchases.

Visitors discuss zines with a creator at their table.

Visitors talk with a creator at their table.

Co-Zi volunteers Heather Goodlett and Coy Munson sit at the official Co-Zi table.

The Co-Zi 2019 event space, filled with creators and visitors.

Zinester, Ian (@swayze_crazy on IG), pictured at his table with his zines.

Creators meet with visitors.

Visitors at the zine creation table work on projects.

Visitors at the Therapy Zine table.

Visitors at creator Starshine’s zine table.

A visitor happily shows off their new zines.

Jean (left) with her arm around Anny (right), smiling for the camera.

Visitors checking in to Co-Zi 2019.

Visitors work on projects at the DIY Zine table while co-founder Gian Parham looks on.

Co-Zi visitors smile for the camera.

Volunteer Heather sitting at the check-in table with donation box.

Volunteers Coy and Heather sit at the Co-Zi table.

Co-Zi co-founder Gina supervises work at the DIY zine table.

Creators and visitors talk at zine tables.

Creators smile for the camera while zines and comics are on display.

Starshine sitting at their vendor table with zines and stickers.

Mayra, (friend of CoZi vendor, Anny) smiling at the camera with a copy of Anny’s zine.

Anny (left), CoZi vendor, sitting at her table with friend, Mayra (right).

Attendees taking a look at Ian’s table.

Mo, seated and smiling at the camera.

Jean and Pierce talking across Pierce’s table.

Co-Zi visitors smilingly show off their new comics.

Two friends hugging in front of a vendor.

CoZi vendor, Starshine and T seated behind their table, talking.

Anny being hugged by a friend

Co-Zi cofounder Nicole poses with friends and volunteers.

Co-Zi cofounder Nicole poses with friends.

Co-Zi co-founders, volunteers, and visitors pose for a group photo.